Welcome to FISTA’s Online Adapting to Climate Change Course.
This course is comprised of...
- 4 video lessons
- Final Exam
- Course material will be available during the final exam; however, **IMPORTANT NOTE: If you exit the final exam to review course material you will lose the answers you have entered, so please make note of answers before leaving the final exam to access course material.
- In order to receive SFI credit you must pass the exam with a 70% or better.
- You will have 3 attempts at the exam. If you fail all 3 attempts, you must register and pay for the course again.
Once you have completed and passed the final exam, you may access you certificate as follows:
- Via a link on the online course completion confirmation screen
- Via a certificate link in the automatic course completion email
- Via your Registration Portal when you log into the FISTA website
We hope that you enjoy this self-paced training series and welcome your feedback and constructive comments.
Please email info@fistausa.org